“Daniel’s 70th Week: Abomination in The Tribulation Temple” (Daniel 9, PART 5)

Prophecy Update: In Bible prophecy, numbers are language—God uses them to simplify what He wants us to “know and understand”. So—what about those “70 weeks” that Gabriel told Daniel? Simple, terrifying, glorious. Much more than about the “70 weeks”—this update might leave you breathless…!


Special Audio Supplement (below): Daniel prophesied that in the Last Days the Jewish Temple would be rebuilt—but where? The Jews are intent on putting it back on the Temple Mount—which could cause another world war. Today, however, many Christians say that history got it wrong—that the original site was elsewhere and the Temple Mount was actually the Roman Antonia Fortress. Here are my thoughts on the controversy (read from Pastor Jay’s essay, The Controversy of the Jewish Temple Location, which you can also read HERE).

“The 70 Weeks of Daniel: The Supreme Victory” (Daniel 9, PART 4)

What were those mysterious ‘sevens’ spoken of by the angel Gabriel to Daniel? In fact, they’re not difficult at all—and they reveal wonders, both tremendous and terrifying. And they weren’t only for Daniel or the Jewish people, but a warning for everyone at the world’s end…

“Daniel and the Sins of a Nation” (Daniel 9, PART 2)

Israel’s Exile to Babylon was ending, but many of the people were still ignoring God. When Daniel intervened and prayed on their behalf, it was a game-changer for Israel, for Daniel and for all people everywhere. That means you, too—listen carefully…

“The 70 Years of Daniel” (Daniel 9, PART 1)

What provoked God to exile His people to Babylon for 70 years? Daniel, Jeremiah and Moses knew—and it’s the key that opens the door to one of the most stunning Messianic End-Times prophecies in all of Scripture. Stay Tuned…

“Specter of the Antichrist” (Daniel 8, PART 2)

(PART 2) Before Jesus returns, the Bible says the Antichrist will ravage the world. But the Bible also tells us what he’s like in specific terms—that he’s a master deceiver and that God doesn’t want the world—or the Jewish people—to confuse this ‘Beast’ with His Son. And Daniel’s visions are the key… (Includes Afghanistan-in-Prophecy update)

“Shadow of the Antichrist” (Daniel 8, PART 1)

Before Jesus returns, the Antichrist will afflict the world—the Bible says so. But the Bible also tells us what he’s like in specific terms—that he’s a master deceiver and that God doesn’t want the world—or the Jewish people—to confuse this ‘Beast’ with His Son. And Daniel’s visions are the key…

“God and Monsters: Destruction of the 4th Beast” PART 3

To understand the Book of Revelation, the Antichrist and the Return of Jesus Christ, you need to understand the Book of Daniel. This message is a thrill-ride through the most terrifying parts of the end of the world. Fasten your seatbelts…!

“God and Monsters: What is The Son of Man?” PART 2

Why did Jesus refer to himself as the “Son of Man”? Daniel tells us—and the Gospels and Jesus shine in a whole new light. Why is this important? It points to the judgment of the Antichrist by the True Christ. (Daniel 7, Part 2) [Edited]

“God and Monsters: Who is the ‘Little Horn’?” PART 1

If you understand Daniel chapter 7, you’ll understand much of the Book of Revelation. Daniel saw visions of monsters—one of whom was the Antichrist—and Revelation tells us how we know. A powerful alert to the world—from the past—about our future…

“Daniel’s Night at the Zoo” (PART 2)

Daniel was a man who couldn’t be cancelled—and for good reason. Who knows? —for the same reasons people thousands of years from now may be praising God for you, too…

“Daniel’s Night at the Zoo” (Part 1)

A mighty king was tricked into condemning Daniel for doing what he did every day for last 70 years—praying to God and living a life of integrity. It was politics it its most insidious and lethal—until God showed up again. The lessons here are life-altering and powerful—and more relevant than ever. Listen carefully… Pastor Jay | Daniel 6, Part 1


“What Would God Write on Your Wall?”

God loves us, but He won’t be trifled with. In Belshazzar’s case, God put it in writing—and that same night both Belshazzar and Babylon fell. The question now is what would He write to us? Pastor Jay McCarl | Daniel 5

“Descent into the Madness of Pride”

A message in Nebuchadnezzar’s own words… | Pastor Jay McCarl | Daniel 4

“In the Furnace: When God Ordains Suffering”

Pastor Jay McCarl | Daniel 2:46-3:30 | Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were facing immediate, brutal execution. God could have stopped it, but let it proceed instead. Then Jesus stepped in…