Good Reads & More

READ some of the best Christian works anywhere.

The Greatest Thing in the Worldby Henry Drummond
A little book with BIG content on that “love” chapter—1 Corinthians 13.

Foxe’s Book of Martyrsby John Foxe
The definitive work on value of Christ.

A World Split Apartby Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Nobel Prize winner’s warning to the West. The world still trembles at his words.

On Fairy Storiesby J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien’s brilliant reply to contentions about The Lord of the Rings and the Bible.

The Books of Gayle Erwin
‘The Jesus Style’, ‘The Father Style’, ‘The Spirit Style’, more (free downloads & audio)

A few local offerings…

Valentine’s Day Messageby Jan Johnson, Brig. Gen. (Ret)
A tremendous read about love and marriage

‘Let no Sacrifice be in Vain’ by Jan Johnson, Brig. Gen. (Ret)
A powerful and moving Memorial Day speech

The Temple Mount Location Controversyby Jay McCarl
Was the Jewish Temple really on the Temple Mount? Tradition says ‘yes’, but some are now saying ‘no’. Who’s right? And why does it matter?

Calvinism vs Arminianism: Who’s Right?by Jay McCarl
It’s a controversy that has divided Christianity: is God absolutely sovereign or does man have a choice as to his destiny? The answer might not be what you thought…

Atheism’s Tragic Flawby Jay McCarl
Atheist arguments against Christianity crumble when this happens…

WATCH Pastor Jay’s Biblical Site Teachings (Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Greece)

DOWNLOAD Pastor Jay’s Recommended Bibliography of books and study materials

DOWNLOAD Emergency Fire Evacuation To-Do List’ (MS Word, editable)

And a little humor: ‘Calorie Chapelby Gayle D. Erwin
The (tongue-in cheek) theological underpinnings of a new denomination

FREE downloadable Bible software…

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