‘The moment of T-Ruth’ (Ruth 1:6-22)

Every life has a turning point—a moment of truth. Ruth had one, too—a big one…

Nehemiah Finale: ‘When the Cat’s Away…’

When Nehemiah was out of town, his enemies took advantage. But when he discovered the treachery, he prayed, cleared out their houses and cleaned their clocks. A fitting conclusion to one of the most powerful missions in the Bible. (Neh. 13)

‘A Mutated Mentality of Ministry’ (‘Hey—Fugeddaboutit!’)

The disciples had just returned from a week of powerful ministry. Jesus, however, seemed to pour cold water on their rejoicing—and for a very, very good reason… (Luke 10:17-24)

‘GET. UP.’ (John 5″1-9)

God helps. God offers to help. But what about those who didn’t want His help and never asked Him for it? Does He still help against their wishes? What will He do?

‘Now—We Pray’ (Neh. 9, PART 2)

PART 2: A bird’s eye view of God’s faithfulness despite Israel’s—and America’s—unfaithfulness. Amazing. (Neh. 9:22-38)

‘Now—We Pray!’ (Neh. 9, PART 1)

A bird’s eye view of God’s faithfulness despite man’s unfaithfulness. Isn’t God amazing…!

‘Nehemiah’s Word of the Day: “Understand”‘ (Neh. 8)

The walls were finished. Now Nehemiah brought in Ezra to read God’s Word to all the people—something they hadn’t heard in a very long time. The result was overwhelming…

‘Just One More Thing…’ (The ‘Lasagna’ Sermon)

Jesus’ final words from the cross were ‘It is Finished’. But what was ‘finished’? What was still needed—and from whom? (A word of warning—you’ll never look at lasagna the same). (John 19:30)

‘C’mon!’ (Neh. 7)

Pastor Jeremy Grant continues his amazing series from the Book of Nehemiah!

‘Oh, no!’ (Neh. 6-7:4)

Not every brother is a brother—and Nehemiah 6 stands as a word to the wise…

‘I have the right (to be wrong)’ (Rev. 2:7)

We all have the right—and need—to be corrected by God, through His people, for our good. Seems God has a rather different view of our ‘rights’…

‘Jerusalem’s Golden Gate—Entrance for a King’ (Ch. 3:22-32)

Jerusalem’s Golden Gate can be controversial, but there’s no question what—or who—it’s about. A must-listen from Pastor Jeremy Grant.

‘Nehemiah Connects the Gates—and Ours’ (PART 1)

With the brief interruption of a local power failure, Pastor Jeremy makes a connection between Jerusalem’s gates—and ours. Really. (Neh. 3:11-20)

‘Nehemiah Gets to Work’ (Ch. 3:1-12)

Pastor Jeremy continues his study through the Book of Nehemiah—this week, Nehemiah starts to repair the gates, and there’s so much to glean from why he did what he did…!

‘Nehemiah Takes out the Trash’ (Ch. 2:9-20)

When Nehemiah got to Jerusalem, he also got to work—and the wall’s weakest spots came first—the Gates…

‘Book of Nehemiah—The Beginning’

Pastor Jeremy Grant introduces one of the great men in the Bible—powerful, popular, influential, smart—and God alone ruled his heart. (Chapter 1)

‘The Magi: Better Late than Ever’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

The Magi went to see Jesus late, but there were others who knew very well who He was—and never went to see Him at all… An insightful Christmas Eve message from Pastor Jeremy Grant.

‘A Million and One Reasons to Repent’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

In his electrifying prayer-series finale, Pastor Jeremy digs into Daniel 9—and unearths a tremendous prayer not only for Israel, but for America—and every Christian heart…

‘How Do You Pray…?’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

Jesus knew His audience—some loved what He said, others hated it—especially when His lessons portrayed ‘bad guys’ as good and ‘good guys’ as bad. This was glaring when He taught about praying—the righteous hated it while the hopeless found mercy. Here’s the story… (Luke 18:9-14)

‘Pray Like This…” (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

First, Jesus told His disciples not to pray like the hypocrites—then He told them to pray by keeping it real—to pray like saints… (Matt. 6:9-14)

‘How Not to Pray’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

Jesus taught us to pray, but He also warned us how not to pray—and the distinction is marvelous. Now go pray… (Matthew 6:5-7; includes an update by Pastor Jay)

‘My Rights or What’s Right?’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

Doing what’s right is rarely easy, but it’s not complicated. Yet what holds us back? What cripples God’s own people from doing the good for which He created them? Well, a long time ago there were these two women… (1 Kings 3:16-28)

“Be a Wise Guy” (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

There’s a hidden gap between reality and the truth—between what we want when we’re strong and what we admit we need in our weakness. King Solomon discovered the difference when God offered him a blank check—to tell Him what he wanted or to receive from God what he lacked. The truth is found right there… (1 Kings 3)

‘Beloved’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

God can take our messes and turn them into something good—it’s what He does, because He love us. You are definitely beloved… (2 Samuel 12:24–25)

‘What About America?’ (Pastor Jeremy Grant)

The Lord still offers hope and a second chance to a wayward nation—by way of Jonah…


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